Dr. Scott Bautch is a well-respected chiropractor with an active practice in Wausau, WI. For more than 30 years, Scott has been recognized for his active participation in professional initiatives and in his Wausau community.
His son Matt and Matt’s wife Alexis are both chiropractors who work alongside Scott in his practice. Scott is a former board member and CEO of Allied Health Chiropractic Centers, the largest doctor-owned Chiropractic group in the country at that time.
Scott is committed to supporting and sharing evidence-based research about the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic. He was appointed by the Governor to sit on the State of Wisconsin Chiropractic Regulatory Board and is a member of the Wisconsin Health Services Opioid Forum.
Scott is an active member of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), president of the ACA’s Council on Occupational Health and chairs the ACA Business and Revenue Committee. He has served as a board member for the International Academy of Chiropractic Occupational Health Consultants and is a past Chairman of the Wisconsin Council on Occupational Health. Scott has worked with the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners on the development and review of the national chiropractic boards exams and served as a practical examiner for students taking the four national board examinations for Doctor of Chiropractic degree. Scott has also consulted with Gundersen Lutheran’s management staff and chaired the Wisconsin Physician Service (WPS) on patient involvement in healthcare quality assurance. He was the first chiropractor to speak to the National Safety Council in Chicago on inclusion and quality assurance of chiropractic in all healthcare programs.
Scott and his wife Margo are parents to six children, all of whom have inherited his enthusiasm for active sports. Some of his roles in sports include mental toughness coach for the Dubuque Fighting Saints junior hockey team; more than 20 years as side-line medical support for Wausau West High School; member of the medical staff for World Championship Skiing; medical team member for the national Taekwondo championships, and a presenter at the state of Wisconsin high school hockey conference. And Scott is always busy helping his youngest daughter, Mackenzie, with her activities in hockey, soccer, tennis, and track.
Scott also finds time to lecture and consult. Over the years, numerous corporations, such as John Deere, have been touched by his knowledge of, and passion for, Chiropractic. He has co-authored Carpal Tunnel Manual for Physiciansand Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Those Who Work with Their Hands.
Scott’s countless passions –from chiropractic to sports medicine to occupational health to natural options for pain relief – spring from his true motivation — helping people help themselves.
Why I’m Involved with Biopods®
It is so exciting to finally have a product that helps the foot do what it naturally does best: Protect the body.
Biopods came into my life in 2018 at the American Chiropractic Association’s national conference in Washington DC. I’d had conversations with Biopods team members and was extremely interested in exploring their innovative technology further. At Logan College of Chiropractic, I was exposed to a podiatrist who explained the importance of foot function in absorbing the energy of gait in both walking and running. Early in my career, I learned about a study that compared an expensive, sophisticated, computerized, exercise machine for back rehabilitation with exercises using a Swiss gym ball. The study revealed that the lowly gym ball was more effective in functional performance Improvement measurements than the computerized machine. At the time, use of the gym ball significantly increased my ability to help patients regain healthy function.
I thought about this study again thirty years later as I learned about the effectiveness of Biopods Stimsoles with their unique pods. Biopods truly provide the critical connection between feet and brain to engage and retain the body’s protective reflex mechanics and restore naturally healthy function. Returning a patient to healthy function changes their world in so many positive ways. Nothing has been a more effective addition to my chiropractic care than Biopods Stimsoles.
I’ve had the most amazing results with my patient population. For so many patients, Biopods Stimsoles have drastically improved their quality of life. I have seen grandparents able to walk with their kids and grandkids again, go with them to events, and resume the social interactions from which they were inhibited by severe foot, leg, and back pain.
All my six children are active in high-level sports. I put Biopods Stimsoles into the shoes for each one – I anticipated that they would all experience improved function and less discomfort after vigorous activity. The results were even better than I had hoped. In my all my years of practice, Biopods Stimsoles are the first product that each of my children consistently use daily. Biopods made such a huge difference in their performance, they all asked me if they could buy a second pair.
My oldest son, Joshua, and my youngest son, Luke walked the Pacific Crest Trail with Biopods Stimsoles in their shoes. The trail is 2,653 miles long, running from the Mexican border in Southern California to the Canada–US border on the edge of Manning Park in British Columbia. Hiking 21 miles a day, it took Joshua and Luke more than four months to complete. They said the Biopods Stimsoles made an enormous difference in their performance and comfort during that hike, known as one of the best trail experiences on Earth.
My goal is normalizing and enhancing foot function for my patients. To achieve that goal, I recommend and dispense Biopods Stimsoles to all my patients. My patients have found Biopods make a huge, positive difference in their lives and their satisfaction level has been close to one hundred percent.
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