Steve is a highly accomplished industrial design consultant recognized for an ability to bring exemplary design aesthetics together with advanced material and manufacturing expertise.
Known for creating unique industry leading products, Steve joins Biopods with an extensive range of technical expertise and highly advanced 3D CAD design skills. Steve’s design and development background includes technical experience in a wide range of production methodologies, from consumer products to automotive, as well as advanced design skill sets in various CAD modelling software systems.
In addition to Steve’s work skills, he is active in numerous athletic endeavours that include cycling, kayaking, snowboarding and motorcycling. These passions not only temper his free time but provide invaluable feedback into the development of the entire line of Biopods products. Personally benefiting from the health improvements of Biopods products has driven Steve to become directly involved in the company after initially serving as an external consultant.
Why I’m Involved with Biopods®
Since late high school, I’ve been plagued with activity spurred leg pain that was at the time associated with pronation in both feet. I was constantly switching from one pair of orthotics to another, one set of stability shoes to another, and/or one style of therapy to another.
By the time I was in my early forties I had amassed a collection of orthotics, stability type athletic shoes, sports boots and therapeutic devices that was easily equal to the value of nice small car. All of which only helped to mask some of the shin pain I regularly experienced and none of which ever provided a complete cessation of the discomfort I had grown accustomed to over the years.
Early in the initial development cycle of the Stimsoles I was providing design input as an out of house consultant. It was one of many projects I was working on at the time and I viewed the initial design of the product simply as a unique opportunity to work in an ergonomically driven design field. I thought the insoles were neat but didn’t truly understand the full weight of their efficacy until I was able to try a set of the initial prototypes.
That summer I started using a pair of the prototype insoles. For the first few weeks they were a noticeable addition to my footwear but after a month or two I just stopped noticing them. I did notice that I felt more comfortable on my feet but didn’t directly attribute that to the change in insoles. It wasn’t until that winter that I realized the dynamic of how they were helping to rebuild the years of abuse my feet had endured.
My wife and I spend a few weeks every winter skiing and snowboarding and we had planned a trip to Whiteface Mountain in New York for that winter. My wife is a great skier and has spent years being rather patient with the constant stopping on the runs to rub out the pain in my shins. I could never get more than a few solid runs in befor I was in pain again. But this time things were different. We hit the slopes and I did run after run after run without stopping. I was riding faster and longer than I ever had and was doing so in complete comfort. The shin pain which had been a constant irritation during snowboarding was gone and I was enjoying boarding more than I ever had.
That night at the restaurant we discussed the dramatic change in my comfort level and traced the entire improvement back to that summer day when I put the Stimsoles into my shoes. My lower limbs had spent the fall being rehabilitated to the point that I was now able to do the sports I loved without the pain I had become so used to. I was super excited but it was also a sad realization that the expensive corrective equipment I had spent years collecting was simply a waste of money.
Upon our return home, my collection of old orthotics and stability athletic shoes went straight in the trash. Relieving 20+ years of lower leg discomfort with a simple insole was an eye opener and I have been working with Biopods ever since.
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